About Us
Jarvis Engineering Technologies (N.Z.) Ltd, a division of Jarvis Products Corporation, is a company that specialises in the design and manufacture of specialised meat processing machinery, in particular automatic machinery for sheep slaughter lines.
We are regarded as a leading innovator of new power tools utilising the latest safety features, and is the first source for meat and poultry equipment. We specialise in cutting and boning devices, band saws, slaughtering equipment, carcass opening and splitting saws, hock cutters, and skinning machines.
Jarvis’ product line is sold and serviced worldwide through their branch locations and Jarvis’ J26 Federation of Distributors. All Jarvis J26 Distributors adhere to the highest standards of reputability and excellent service.
“Our mission is to produce the highest quality products at the lowest cost, that results in the safe use of our products, at the lowest cost per head for our customers.”